Children need good language skills to do their best at school and become confident and successful learners.Many preschool children do not have the language skills they need to access the curriculum, with childrenfrom areas of social disadvantage at…
The Child-Led Book Talk programme is a targeted intervention for children in Nursery and Reception who have been
identified as not currently meeting age-related expectations for communication and language.
LLLI is high quality and internationally researched training that provides guidance for Early Years practitioners in promoting social, language and literacy learning in Early Years settings.
Based on a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, Numicon uses structured imagery and apparatus to help children explore and understand mathematical concepts.
Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children. The programme aims to accelerate children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 6 months over a nine week period.
TWiTCH teaches practitioners how to use story time as a daily opportunity for complex language interactions between children and adults. TWiTCH draws on the principles of dialogic pedagogy by using dilemmas and moral concepts in stories as the basis for discussion and activity.