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Conferences and Events:
These are planned in every area we serve and will include inspirational keynote speakers and workshops
Training webinars:
These will be held regularly and at times to fit in with busy working lives – areas covered will include SEND, EAL, Speech and Language, enabling settings and much more.
Face to Face events:
These will range from local area childminder network meetings with the children in their care to face to face training sessions to share good practice and develop knowledge and skills.
Newsletters and Blogs:
Everything you need to keep you up to date with the world of Early Years – inspirational thinking backed up by the latest evidence-informed approaches.
Learning from the best available evidence:
Opportunities to be involved in the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) evidence-based programmes. Free access to the EEF Evidence Store, a summary of evidence-informed approaches to help educators to understand and reflect on their practice.
To stay connected with us... click below.
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