About the Hub

Local Authorities covered:

Birmingham, Coventry, Herefordshire, Solihull, Warwickshire, Worcestershire


Our vision for Heart West Midlands Stronger Practice Hub is to build a learning community which “Helps Early Years Professionals Apply Research into Teaching.”

We are a partnership of five providers from Birmingham maintained Nursery Schools and a private and voluntary setting.

We are an exciting  partnership, working collaboratively with Birmingham Local Authority, Birmingham Early Years Networks and all of the 27 Maintained Nursery Schools in Birmingham, to continue to build on and strengthen our existing support for early years within Birmingham and beyond moving forwards. 

Our expertise is built upon strong pedagogical practices which develop all of our children regardless of their starting points.

We are committed to working with partners and advocate for early years to address social exclusion, targeting our resources to tackle the disadvantage gap for our most vulnerable.

By signing up to the HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub, practitioners can access a range of funded support, including:

  • Access to local networks of early years educators to share knowledge and effective practice.
  • Information and advice on evidence-based approaches - for example, through newsletters, blogs and social media.
  • Bespoke advice, including signposting to other funded support.
  • Access to evidence-based programmes through the Education Endowment Foundation for nurseries and childminders.

Lead setting:

Bloomsbury Nursery School


  • Castle Vale Nursery School
  • Weoley Castle Nursery School
  • Norton Hall Nursery
  • Claire Fitzgerald - Childminder