Evidence Based Programmes

  • BIG 3 + ME

    The BIG 3 + ME is a Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) resource for Early Years ages 3 to 5 designed to support both practitioners and pupils to develop and grow the 3 BIG Social and Emotional Learning skills of Self-Regulation, Self-Awareness and Building Relationships.

  • Launchpad for Language

    A language enrichment programme supporting all children to reach their communication potential.

  • Two toddlers playing while sat down

    Talking Time

    Talking Time is a universal intervention targeting the oral language skills of children aged 3 to 5. It provides engaging, structured small-group activities, underpinned by interactions to enhance oracy skills.

  • The Early Years Conversation Project

    EYCP is based on a strong body of research evidence that consistently shows that communication and language approaches benefit young children’s learning. Early language ability is one of the strongest predictors of later development through school and in life. Language is essential for thinking, social and emotional wellbeing and learning in all areas of development.