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Specialist Learning Networks
Our Specialist Learning Networks provide the opportunity to meet other professionals with a shared interest in a specific area of learning, build professional relationships and participate in professional discussions, gain access to valuable resources, share ideas and learn about the latest trends and CPD opportunities.
They are delivered in a variety of ways at a variety of times, including face-to-face or virtual sessions. Some will have inspiring guest speakers, while others will have focused discussions.
Social Communication & Regulation Network
Do you recognise the importance of improving the communication and language skills of the children you care for?
Then our Social Communication & Regulation Network is for you!
Led by 'face watching' expert Keena Cummins, this network will bring together Early Years educators from across the sector who recognise the importance of improving the communication and language skills of the children we care for.
Watch a snippet of Keena doing what she does best!
Sign up for the network here to receive news, events and other resources.
SEND Network
This network will bring together early years educators from across the sector to work supportively together, sharing the challenges and joys of working with children with SEND and their families. Expert practitioners and visiting professionals will lead sessions and facilitate discussion, encouraging participants to evaluate current ways of working and consider new ones. Sign up to receive the latest events from the SEND network.
Sign up for the network here to receive news, events and other resources.
Leaders and Emerging Leaders Network
Our network welcomes those who are Leaders of Practice, Room Leaders, or Setting Leaders, working in the Early Years to come together to extend your learning and share practice with like-minded individuals. Whether you're a childminder, a practitioner from a PVI setting, or a Teacher or HLTA from a maintained nursery, all are welcome.
Sign up for the network here to receive news, events and other resources.
Outdoor Play & Learning Network
Our network brings together others to explore how to support children's development in the outdoors and playful approaches to learning, our network is for you. This network is for anyone working in the early years sector who is interested, including: Childminders, Qualified Early Years Practitioners, Apprentices, Teachers and Teaching Assistants working in the Early Years, Leaders. Sign up for the network here to receive news, events and other resources.
Childminding Network
Our network brings together childminders from across the region to share best practice, discuss challenges and celebrate progress, along with an opportunity to discuss development needs. Sign up for the network here to receive news, events and other resources.