Now Recruiting To NELI-P

The programme provides a 20-week evidence-based language intervention for all children, as well as additional targeted support for the children who need it the most. 

It includes an easy-to-use and reliable assessment of language skills, called LanguageScreen, CPD-certified training and end-to-end support.

Programme Structure 

NELI Preschool includes three main components. Reliable and easy-to-use language screening, easy-to-access practitioner training and the 20-week enrichment and intervention programme. 

Language assessment 

LanguageScreen is a quick, reliable and highly accurate language assessment app. Any adult in the setting can, in less that ten minutes, obtain a comprehensive, personalised report and standardised score of a child’s language ability. LanguageScreen is used to assess the language skills of all children in the setting, accurately identify the children who need additional targeted support and evaluate the progress all children have made at the end of the programme. 

CPD-certified training 

NELI Preschool training is delivered completely online so you can complete the courses at your own pace. The courses are CPD-certified and will take 8-10 hours to complete. Training explores language development, critical strategies to support language skills, how to deliver the NELI Preschool programme and videos of NELI Preschools sessions. You are mentored throughout by the research team and speech and language professionals. 

We strongly recommend training as many people in your setting as you can to help promote a language-rich culture and a supportive NELI Preschool dynamic among all staff. 

NELI Preschool Impact 

A randomized controlled trial led by the NELI team at the University of Oxford showed that NELI Preschool significantly improved the oral language skills of children taking part. The trial included 65 nurseries and over 1,500 children and many of these nurseries have continued to make NELI Preschool a key part of their curriculum. 

Information on how to register your interest is coming soon, feel free to contact us in the meantime.